famouso::mw::attributes::AbsoluteDeadline< deadline > | Defines a configurable deadline attribute for describing a point in time when a specific event is expected to be occurred |
famouso::mw::anl::AbstractNetworkLayer< NL, AFP_FragConfig, AFP_DefragConfig > | The abstract network layer provides functionality that is not specific to a concrete network layer |
famouso::mw::afp::AFPPublisherEventChannel< PEC, AFPFC, mtu, EventType > | Publisher Event Channel with fragmentation support in the application layer |
famouso::mw::afp::AFPPublisherEventChannel< PEC, AFPFC, 0, EventType > | Publisher Event Channel with fragmentation support in the application layer (MTU not known at compile time) |
famouso::mw::afp::AFPSubscriberEventChannel< SEC, AFPDC, EventType > | Subscriber Event Channel with fragmentation support in the application layer |
object::RawStorage< size >::AllocInfo | Memory management information. In front of each allocated block |
famouso::mw::attributes::detail::SorterPredicate::apply< A1, A2 > | |
famouso::mw::attributes::detail::RequirablePred::apply< Attr > | |
famouso::mw::attributes::detail::SorterPredicate::apply< boost::mpl::na, T2 > | |
famouso::mw::attributes::detail::SorterPredicate::apply< T1, boost::mpl::na > | |
famouso::mw::attributes::filter::equal_to::apply_compiletime< L, R > | |
famouso::mw::attributes::filter::greater_than::apply_compiletime< L, R > | |
famouso::mw::attributes::filter::greater_than_or_equal_to::apply_compiletime< L, R > | |
famouso::mw::attributes::filter::less_than::apply_compiletime< L, R > | |
famouso::mw::attributes::filter::less_than_or_equal_to::apply_compiletime< L, R > | |
famouso::mw::attributes::filter::not_equal_to::apply_compiletime< L, R > | |
object::Array< T, N > | Array is a simple abstraction of a C-like array, supporting an iterator interface |
device::nic::serial::AsioSerialDriver< PL, SFD > | ASIO based driver for the serial network layer |
famouso::mw::attributes::detail::assert_is_attribute_or_na< Attr, InnerEnable > | Helper struct to assert that a given type is an attribute or na |
famouso::mw::attributes::detail::assert_is_attribute_or_na< Attr, typename boost::enable_if< famouso::mw::attributes::type_traits::is_attribute< Attr > >::type > | |
famouso::mw::attributes::detail::assert_is_attribute_or_na< boost::mpl::na, void > | |
famouso::mw::attributes::detail::assert_is_tag_or_na< T > | |
device::nic::serial::AtmelSerialDriver< DEV, PL, BR, SFD > | Atmel driver for the serial network layer |
logging::ATTR | This class is intended to be used as a template argument for the logging::log::emit() function |
famouso::mw::attributes::Attribute< BaseType, CompareTag, ValueType, Value, ID, TagSet > | Represents an attribute as a part of the FAMOUSO generic attribute framework |
famouso::mw::attributes::access::Attribute_RT | A structure that extends the AttributeHeader_RT type providing access to the encoded value of the attribute |
famouso::mw::attributes::tags::attribute_tag | Attribute_tag is a type for tagging other types as an attribute of the attribute grammar |
famouso::mw::attributes::detail::AttributeElementHeader | Represents the structure of a single attribute's header |
famouso::mw::attributes::detail::AttributeHeader< Attr > | Represents an actual header of a given attribute in binary representation |
famouso::mw::attributes::access::AttributeHeader_RT | A structure that provides functionality to access attribute header fields at a higher level |
famouso::mw::attributes::detail::AttributeIsNotRequireable< isRequirable, RelatedAttr, Requirement, compileError > | Configurable error struct used for the static composability checks |
famouso::mw::attributes::AttributeSet< AttrSeq > | Represents a sequence of attributes in binary representation |
famouso::mw::attributes::access::AttributeSet_RT | |
famouso::mw::attributes::access::AttributeSetHeader_RT | |
famouso::mw::attributes::detail::AttributeSetImpl< AttrSeq, Iter > | |
famouso::mw::attributes::detail::AttributeSetImpl< AttrSeq, typename boost::mpl::end< AttrSeq >::type > | |
famouso::mw::attributes::detail::AttributeSize< Attr > | Calculates the overall number of bytes used by the binary representation of the given attribute, that is, the header and the value |
device::nic::CAN::avrCANARY | The generic driver interface to the avrCAN hardware |
logging::AWDS | This class is intended to be used as a template argument for the logging::log::emit() function |
famouso::mw::nl::awds::AWDS_Packet | A Paket for the IPC communication between Famouso and AWDS |
famouso::mw::nl::AWDSNL | The AWDS network layer provides functionality for sending packets over the AWDS network |
famouso::mw::nl::BaseNL< A1orSeq, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, A10 > | This network layer classer extends the DistinctNL by adding an attribute provision |
famouso::mw::attributes::filter::BinaryFilterExpression< L, R, OP > | BinaryFilterExpression defines a binary filter lambda expression that is directly callable via the overloaded function call operator |
famouso::mw::afp::defrag::detail::Bit | Represents a bit inside a byte |
famouso::mw::afp::defrag::detail::BitArray< N, Allocator > | |
famouso::mw::afp::defrag::detail::BitArray< afp::dynamic, Allocator > | |
BitCount< ValueType, Value > | Calculates the least number of bits needed to represent the given value of the specified type |
BitCount< bool, false > | |
BitCount< bool, true > | |
famouso::mw::nl::CAN::ccp::Broker< CAN_Driver > | |
famouso::mw::nl::CAN::etagBP::Broker< CAN_Driver > | ETAG binding protocol the broker part supports both the old and new one |
ByteCount< ValueType, Value > | Calculates the number of whole bytes needed to store the given value of the given type |
famouso::mw::nl::CANNL< CAN_Driver, CCP, BP > | CAN network layer acts as the interface to the Controller Area Network |
famouso::mw::attributes::detail::CaseSelector< ResultType, res1, res2, res3, res4, res5, res6 > | |
famouso::mw::nl::CAN::detail::constants::ccp | |
device::nic::serial::AtmelSerialDriver< DEV, PL, BR, SFD >::cfgInfo | Definition of driver specific information |
device::nic::serial::AsioSerialDriver< PL, SFD >::cfgInfo | Definition of driver specific information |
Chain | |
famouso::mw::nl::CAN::ccp::Client< CAN_Driver > | |
famouso::mw::nl::CAN::etagBP::Client< CAN_Driver > | New ETAG binding protocol client part |
famouso::config::util::CombineTwoBaseClasses< Base1, Base2 > | Combines two classes and therewith their features under one instance |
famouso::mw::afp::CommonPolicySelector< Config > | |
famouso::mw::nl::awds::detail::Node< AttrSet >::comp | Comparison operator for sorting nodes |
famouso::mw::nl::awds::ComparableAttributeSet< AttrSet > | |
famouso::mw::attributes::tags::compare_different_attributes_tag | Compare_different_attributes_tag is a tag to signalize a certain error during the checking process of filter expressions |
famouso::mw::attributes::tags::compile_time_filter_tag | Compile_time_filter_tag is a tag to select the compile-time variant of the RelationalOperatorFilter |
famouso::mw::attributes::CompileError< T, U, V > | Generates a generic compile-time error |
famouso::mw::attributes::CompileError< T, tags::attribute_tag > | Specialization of CompileError |
famouso::mw::attributes::CompileError< T, U, tags::compare_different_attributes_tag > | Specialization of CompileError |
famouso::mw::attributes::CompileError< T, U, tags::same_tag > | Specialization of CompileError |
famouso::mw::nl::awds::AWDS_Packet::constants | Constants for the paket |
famouso::mw::nl::CAN::detail::constants | Some constants that are used in the CCP |
object::ConstantSizeList< T, N, callDestructor > | ConstantSizeList is a simple abstraction of a list with a maximum length of N elements, supporting an iterator interface |
object::ConstantSizeList< T, N, callDestructor >::ConstantSizeListIterator | Defines a usual iterator |
famouso::mw::attributes::detail::TagSet< T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10 >::contains_tag< T > | |
famouso::mw::afp::DefaultConfig | Config: default AFP config |
famouso::mw::afp::DefaultEventSizeProp | SizeProperties config for default event size (max. 65535 bytes) |
famouso::mw::afp::DefragmentationProcessor< AFPDC > | Defragmentation engine that processes defragmentation steps |
famouso::mw::afp::DefragmentationProcessorANL< AFPDC > | Defragmentation processor adapted to the needs of the ANL |
famouso::mw::afp::DefragmentationProcessorANL< Disable > | Empty version of DefragmentationProcessorANL for disabling defragmentation in the ANL |
famouso::mw::afp::DefragmentationProcessorKeepEventSupport< AFPDC > | Defragmentation processor that supports keeping events available for later delivery |
famouso::mw::afp::DefragmentationStep< AFPDC > | Contains temporary data needed for a single defragmentation step (reading fragments header, processing fragment and if event is complete returning buffer, process event, free event) |
famouso::mw::afp::DefragmentationStep< Disable > | Empty version of DefragmentationStep for disabling defragmentation in the ANL |
famouso::mw::afp::defrag::Defragmenter< DCP > | Reconstructs one event from fragments |
famouso::mw::afp::DefragPolicySelector< Config > | |
famouso::util::Delegate< parameter, R > | Implements anonymous callback functionality |
famouso::util::Delegate< void > | |
famouso::mw::afp::Disable | Config: disable fragmentation/defragmentation support completely |
famouso::mw::nl::DistinctNL | The base network layer provides functionality for identifying a specific network layer at run-time |
device::nic::ieee802_15_4::DRV802_15_4< RFLayer > | Communication driver for communication layers provided by the 'RFLayer' |
famouso::mw::afp::defrag::DuplicateChecker< DCP > | Policy: Checking for duplicate fragment packages |
famouso::mw::attributes::detail::Duplicates< AttrSeq, Iter > | Can be used to test a given sequence of attributes for contained duplicates |
famouso::mw::attributes::detail::Duplicates< AttrSeq, typename boost::mpl::end< AttrSeq >::type > | End-of-recursion struct |
object::DynamicList< T, N, callDestructor > | DynamicList is a simple abstraction of a list with a dynamic length, supporting an iterator interface |
ElsePolicyExample | ElsePolicyExample is a policy template for the compile time selection utility IF_CONTAINS_TYPE_(NAME) |
famouso::mw::afp::defrag::EmptyDemuxKey< DCP, Subject_t > | Demux key type with one subject and one publisher, no event sequence number |
EmptyPolicy | EmptyPolicy is a policy template for the compile time selection utility IF_CONTAINS_TYPE_(NAME) |
famouso::mw::afp::EmptyType | |
famouso::mw::attributes::filter::equal_to | Equal to comperator |
famouso::mw::afp::defrag::EseqDemuxKey< DCP, Subject_t > | Demux key type with event sequence number, one subject and one publisher |
famouso::mw::afp::defrag::EseqSubjectDemuxKey< DCP, Subject_t > | Demux key type with event sequence number, multiple subjects and one publisher per subject |
famouso::mw::nl::CAN::detail::constants::etagBP | |
famouso::mw::nl::CAN::detail::ETAGS | Predefined etags for ccp and etag exchange |
famouso::mw::Event | |
famouso::mw::api::EventChannel< ECH > | This is the base class of each EventChannel |
famouso::mw::el::EventChannelHandler< EL > | The event channel handler is a singleton of the event layer |
famouso::mw::el::EventLayer< LL > | The event layer provides the main publish/subscribe functionality |
famouso::mw::el::EventLayerClientStub | |
famouso::mw::el::EventLayerMiddlewareStub< EL > | Event layer stub that allows running multiple famouso apps on one computer |
famouso::mw::afp::defrag::EventSeqDemux< DCP > | Policy: Event demultiplexer supporting event sequence numbers |
famouso::mw::afp::defrag::EventSeqHeaderSupport< DCP > | Policy: Support event sequence number extension header |
famouso::mw::afp::defrag::EventStats | Statistics about reconstructed events |
famouso::mw::attributes::filter::exists< A > | Defines a simple filter, allowing to check of existence of attribute in an event |
ExpandedRangeTypeSelector< T > | Type trait to select integer type with larger range than T |
ExpandedRangeTypeSelector< int16_t > | |
ExpandedRangeTypeSelector< int32_t > | |
ExpandedRangeTypeSelector< int8_t > | |
ExpandedRangeTypeSelector< uint16_t > | |
ExpandedRangeTypeSelector< uint32_t > | |
ExpandedRangeTypeSelector< uint8_t > | |
famouso::mw::ExtendedEvent< payLoadSize, A1orSeq, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, A10 > | The extension of the Event class with support for attributes |
famouso::mw::api::ExtendedEventChannel< EC, Requirement, compileError > | Provides meta functionality for adding an attribute requirement to a given event channel implementation |
famouso::mw::attributes::detail::ExtendedSequenceBoundError< seqSize > | Struct used by the attribute sequence header to assert, that the sequence size fits the binary format |
FAMOUSO | This struct or better its defined enum is used for tagging messages. That allows indicating the type of a message and therewith to do the correct steps while processing them |
famouso::mw::afp::defrag::FECEventDataReconstructor< DCP > | Policy: Reconstruct event data from fragments supporting forward error correction |
famouso::mw::afp::frag::FECFragmenter< FCP > | Fragmentation supporting generation of forward error correction redundancy |
famouso::mw::afp::defrag::FECHeaderSupport< DCP > | Policy: Support forward error correction extension header |
famouso::mw::attributes::AttributeSet< AttrSeq >::find_ct< Attr > | Searches for the attribute given as a template argument in the compile time representation of this attribute set |
famouso::mw::attributes::detail::FirstByteOfHeader< Attr > | Represents the first byte of the header of the given attribute |
famouso::mw::nl::awds::detail::FlowMgmtAction< action > | Defines a configurable flow management action attribute for describing the action to do at flow management at AWDS |
famouso::mw::nl::awds::detail::FlowMgmtActionIDs | Ids used by the flow management action attribute |
famouso::mw::nl::awds::detail::FlowMgmtID< id > | Defines a configurable flow id attribute for describing the requestet flow at AWDS |
famouso::mw::nl::awds::detail::FlowMgmtIDs | Holds the IDs of the defined flow management attributes at one place |
famouso::mw::afp::Fragmenter< AFPFC, mtu_compile_time > | Splits a block of data into several pieces (fragments) |
famouso::mw::afp::Fragmenter< Disable, mtu_compile_time > | Empty version of Fragmenter for disabling fragmentation in the ANL |
famouso::mw::afp::defrag::FragmentStats | Statistics about processed fragments |
famouso::mw::afp::FragPolicySelector< Config > | |
famouso::mw::gwl::Gateway< ECH, Storage > | The gateway layer implements the functionality of a gateway |
famouso::mw::gwl::GatewayEventChannel< ECH > | The GatewayEventChannel is a SubscriberEventChannel with additional proxy functionality for publishing/forwarding events to the right destination network |
famouso::mw::attributes::detail::HasLessThanRelation::get_comparator< TagSet > | Extracts the attribute comparator (i.e. the stronger- weaker-relation) of an attribute from the given tag set |
famouso::mw::attributes::filter::greater_than | Greater than comparator |
famouso::mw::attributes::filter::greater_than_or_equal_to | Greater than or equal to comparator |
famouso::mw::attributes::detail::HasLessThanRelation | Attribute tag deciding the stronger-weaker-relation of the attribute |
famouso::mw::nl::awds::AWDS_Packet::Header | A header of the AWDS_Paket |
famouso::mw::afp::defrag::Headers< DCP > | AFP Headers of a received fragment |
famouso::mw::attributes::detail::HighDensityIDs | Holds the IDs of the defined high density attributes at one place |
famouso::mw::attributes::detail::IdBitCountAssert< HighDensity, ID > | Struct to statically assert that an ID of a high density attribute only has 4 bits |
famouso::mw::nl::IEEE_802_15_4_NL< driver_t > | Network layer that acts as the interface to any IEEE 802.15.4 compliant network |
if_select_type< cond, T1, T2 > | Compile time selector trait that selects one of two types dependent on a boolean expression |
if_select_type< false, T1, T2 > | Specialization of if_select_type |
famouso::mw::nl::CANNL< CAN_Driver, CCP, BP >::info | |
famouso::mw::nl::IEEE_802_15_4_NL< driver_t >::info | Information about the networ layer including maximal available payload |
famouso::mw::nl::SerialNL< DRV >::info | Information about the network layer |
famouso::mw::nl::UDPBroadCastNL::info | |
famouso::mw::nl::UDPMultiCastNL::info | |
famouso::mw::nl::voidNL::info | |
famouso::mw::nl::AWDSNL::info | A Struct for holding informational constants |
famouso::mw::afp::defrag::InOrderEventDataReconstructor< DCP > | Policy: Reconstruct event data from fragments arriving in order. Does not support forward error correction |
famouso::mw::attributes::tags::integral_const_tag | Integral_const_tag is a type used to describe, that tagged types are comparable with integrals, integral constants and types of the same base type, |
famouso::mw::attributes::IntegralConstRunTimeWrapper< T > | Defines a runtime wrapper for integral constants |
famouso::mw::attributes::IntegralConstToType< v > | Implements an integral constant to type mapper |
famouso::mw::attributes::IntegralConstType | Defines the base type of an integral constant |
famouso::mw::nl::CAN::etagBP::InterruptEnabler | InterruptEnabler implements a class enabling interrupts for a certain scope |
famouso::mw::attributes::type_traits::is_attribute< Attr > | Checks if the given type is an attribute, i.e. it contains a type named type_tag and this is equal to the attribute_tag |
famouso::mw::attributes::type_traits::is_compare_tag< A, B > | The struct implements a tester on a compare_tag |
famouso::mw::attributes::type_traits::is_compare_tag< A, B >::is_compare_tag_impl< bool, T, U > | |
famouso::mw::attributes::type_traits::is_compare_tag< A, B >::is_compare_tag_impl< false, T, U > | |
famouso::mw::attributes::type_traits::is_null< Attr > | Checks if the given attribute is equal to Null |
famouso::mw::attributes::type_traits::is_same_base_type< A, B > | The struct implements a test if two types have the same base type |
famouso::mw::attributes::type_traits::is_same_base_type< A, B >::is_same_base_type_impl< bool, T, U > | |
famouso::mw::attributes::type_traits::is_same_base_type< A, B >::is_same_base_type_impl< false, T, U > | |
famouso::mw::attributes::detail::is_sequence< T > | |
famouso::mw::attributes::detail::is_sequence< boost::mpl::na > | |
famouso::mw::attributes::detail::is_tag< Type > | Checks whether the given type is a tag, that is defines Tag as a type called base_type |
famouso::mw::attributes::type_traits::is_type_tag< A, B > | The struct implements a tester on a type_tag |
famouso::mw::attributes::type_traits::is_type_tag< A, B >::is_type_tag_impl< bool, T, U > | |
famouso::mw::attributes::type_traits::is_type_tag< A, B >::is_type_tag_impl< false, T, U > | |
famouso::mw::attributes::detail::IsHighDensity | Attribute tag signaling that this attribute should be written with a compact binary representation |
famouso::mw::attributes::detail::IsRequirable | Attribute tag signaling that this attribute can be used for a composability check, that is this attribute can occur in an attribute requirement |
famouso::mw::attributes::Attribute< BaseType, CompareTag, ValueType, Value, ID, TagSet >::isStronger< OtherAttr > | |
famouso::mw::afp::defrag::detail::PointerMap< KeyT, ItemT, N >::iterator | Type definition of an iterator |
famouso::mw::afp::defrag::detail::PointerMap< KeyT, ItemT, dynamic >::iterator | Iterator type |
object::UninitializedStoragePool< T, C, N, callDestructor >::Iterator | Type definition of an iterator |
famouso::mw::attributes::Jitter< jitter > | Defines a configurable jitter attribute for describing the deviation from a mean latency |
famouso::mw::attributes::Latency< latency > | Defines a configurable Latency attribute for describing the delay between sending a packet and receiving it at the destination |
famouso::mw::attributes::filter::less_than | Less than comparator |
famouso::mw::attributes::filter::less_than_or_equal_to | Less than or equal to comparator |
LocalCreatorPolicy | LocalCreatorPolicy is a policy template for the compile time selection utility IF_CONTAINS_TYPE_(NAME) |
famouso::mw::attributes::filter::logical_and< A, B, C, D, E > | Implements a logical and filter |
famouso::mw::attributes::filter::logical_false | Implements a filter that is always false |
famouso::mw::attributes::filter::logical_not< A > | Implements an inverting filter |
famouso::mw::attributes::filter::logical_or< A, B, C, D, E > | Implements a logical or filter |
famouso::mw::attributes::filter::logical_true | Implements a filter that is always true |
famouso::mw::nl::IEEE_802_15_4_NL< driver_t >::message | |
famouso::mw::afp::MinimalSizeProp | SizeProperties config for reduced event size (max. 255 bytes) |
device::nic::CAN::XenomaiRTCANDriver< IDDesc >::MOB | |
device::nic::CAN::PeakDriverBase::MOB | MOB is derived from the concrete message object and it defines access methods |
device::nic::CAN::SocketCANDriver< IDDesc >::MOB | |
device::nic::CAN::avrCANARY::MOB | Generic CAN message object |
famouso::mw::afp::defrag::MultiSourceDemux< DCP > | Policy: Event demultiplexer that can handle events from multiple sources, but only one event per source simultaneuosly |
famouso::mw::afp::MultiSubjectConfig< SNN > | Config: default with multiple subject support |
famouso::mw::afp::MultiSubjectESeqReorderDuplicateConfig< SNN > | Config: default with multiple subject support, event sequence numbering, support to handle package reordering and duplicate checking |
famouso::mw::api::EventChannel< ECH >::MWAction | |
famouso::mw::nal::NetworkAdapter< ANL_A, ANL_B > | The network adapter supports plugging of more than one network layer |
famouso::mw::nl::NetworkID< size > | An ID representing a node at the network |
object::NewAllocator | Allocator using standard C++ new and delete operators |
famouso::mw::nl::awds::detail::Node< AttrSet > | A node at the AWDS network identified by his MAC address |
famouso::mw::nl::awds::NodeRepository | A node repository for holding AWDS nodes and register nodes to subjects |
famouso::mw::afp::defrag::NoDuplicateChecker< DCP > | Policy: No checking for duplicate fragment packages |
famouso::mw::afp::defrag::NoEventSeqHeaderSupport< DCP > | Policy: Do not support event sequence number extension header |
famouso::mw::afp::frag::NoFECFragmenter< FCP > | Fragmentation not supporting FEC |
famouso::mw::afp::defrag::NoFECHeaderSupport< DCP > | Policy: Do not support forward error correction extension header |
famouso::mw::afp::shared::NoOverflowErrorChecking | Policy: No overflow error checking |
famouso::mw::afp::defrag::NoStatistics | Policy: No defragmentation statistics |
famouso::mw::attributes::filter::not_equal_to | Not equal to comparator |
famouso::mw::el::NotifyWorkerThread< T > | |
famouso::mw::attributes::Null | Defines an attribute to represent a type-pendant to a NULL-pointer |
famouso::mw::attributes::Omission< omission > | Defines a configurable omission degree attribute for describing how many packets can be consecutively lost |
object::OneBlockAllocator< tag, mem_size > | Pseudo-allocator supporting only one allocation |
famouso::mw::nl::awds::detail::op_printer< Comparator > | Helper structs for printing the operator of a given comparator |
famouso::mw::nl::awds::detail::op_printer< famouso::mw::attributes::filter::greater_than_or_equal_to > | |
famouso::mw::nl::awds::detail::op_printer< famouso::mw::attributes::filter::less_than_or_equal_to > | |
famouso::mw::afp::defrag::OutOfOrderEventDataReconstructor< DCP > | Policy: Reconstruct event data from fragments that may arrive out of order. Does not support forward error correction |
OutputDescriptionPolicy | OutputDescriptionPolicy prints the description of the configuration if such a description exists |
famouso::mw::afp::shared::OverflowErrorChecking | Policy: Overflow error checking |
Packet< T > | |
famouso::mw::nl::awds::AWDS_Packet::constants::packet_size | Constants for the paket size |
famouso::mw::nl::awds::AWDS_Packet::constants::packet_type | Constants for the paket type |
famouso::mw::attributes::PacketLoss< packetLoss > | Defines a configurable packet loss attribute for describing how many packets will be averagely lost |
device::nic::CAN::PAXCAN< Driver > | PAXCAN presents the generic CAN interface to the FAMOUSO middleware, against all algorithms regarding CAN transfers are implemented |
device::nic::CAN::PeakDriver< PeakTrait > | The generic driver interface to the PeakCAN hardware |
device::nic::CAN::PeakDriverBase | PeakDriverBase defines the CAN message object structure and the access methods |
device::nic::CAN::PeakDriverLinuxTrait | PeakDriverLinuxTrait abstacts from the low-level Peak Linux driver API to a generic API, that is used from device::nic::can::PeakDriver |
device::nic::CAN::PeakDriverWindowsTrait | PeakDriverWindowsTrait abstacts from the low-level Peak Windows driver API to a generic API, that is used from device::nic::can::PeakDriver |
famouso::mw::attributes::Period< period > | Defines a configurable period attribute for describing the time between periodic events |
famouso::mw::afp::defrag::detail::PointerMap< KeyT, ItemT, N > | Pointer container of constant size |
famouso::mw::afp::defrag::detail::PointerMap< KeyT, ItemT, dynamic > | Pointer container of dynamic size |
famouso::mw::nl::CAN::etagBP::PreventBlockingOfMiddlewareCoreInBlockingProtocol | PreventBlockingOfMiddlewareCoreInBlockingProtocol implements a class that runs the middleware core if we go to a blocking protocol. It also goes to the former event loop if the protocol has finished |
famouso::mw::nl::awds::detail::Priority< prio > | Defines a configurable flow management priority attribute for describing the action to do at flow management at AWDS |
famouso::mw::api::PublisherEventChannel< ECH > | |
Queue | |
famouso::mw::afp::defrag::detail::Queue< T, N > | Queue of constant size |
famouso::mw::afp::defrag::detail::Queue< T, dynamic > | Queue of dynamic size |
object::RawStorage< size > | Storage for raw data blocks |
object::RawStorageAllocator< tag, mem_size > | Allocator allocating from RawStorage |
famouso::mw::afp::frag::RedundancyAttribute< tag, init_value > | Dynamic attribute: FEC redundancy to add |
famouso::mw::api::ReflectionPublisherEventChannel< ECH > | |
famouso::mw::attributes::filter::RelationalOperatorFilter< A, B, op, tag > | Implements a relational operator filter where the operator function is configurable |
famouso::mw::attributes::filter::RelationalOperatorFilter< A, B, op, tags::compile_time_filter_tag > | Specialization of RelationalOperatorFilter used for resource-optimized filter. Such filters, compile-time filter, can be often generated, when special conditions for the attributes are given |
famouso::mw::attributes::filter::RelationalOperatorFilterReturnTypeCalculator< A, B, Operator > | The struct implements a return type calculator for filter expression |
famouso::mw::attributes::RelativeDeadline< deadline > | Defines a configurable deadline attribute for describing a point in time relative to the current one when a specific event is expected to be occurred |
famouso::mw::attributes::detail::RequirablePred | Predicate to filter out non-requirable attributes from a requirement specification |
famouso::mw::attributes::detail::RequiredAttributeNotContainedInProvision< contained, RelatedAttr, Provision, compileError > | Configurable error struct used for the static composability checks |
famouso::mw::attributes::detail::RequiredValueNotProvided< valueFits, RelatedAttr, ProvAttr, compileError > | Configurable error struct used for the static composability checks |
famouso::mw::attributes::detail::RequirementChecker< Prov, Req, compileError, FilteredReq, ReqIter > | Checks the given attribute requirement against the given provision. The check result can be accessed using the result type |
famouso::mw::attributes::detail::RequirementChecker< Prov, Req, false, FilteredReq, typename boost::mpl::end< FilteredReq >::type > | |
famouso::mw::attributes::detail::RequirementChecker< Prov, Req, true, FilteredReq, typename boost::mpl::end< FilteredReq >::type > | |
object::RingBuffer< T, N > | Ring buffer (constant size) |
device::nic::CAN::RxInterrupt | The RxInterrupt enables receive interrupt service base infrastructur for devices that are not able to generate such interrupts. It defines a handler and the functionality for switching on/off of the interrupt |
famouso::mw::attributes::tags::same_tag | Same_tag is a type used to describe, that tagged types can only be compared with types of the same base type |
famouso::mw::attributes::detail::CaseSelector< ResultType, res1, res2, res3, res4, res5, res6 >::select_ct< Attr > | |
device::nic::serial::SerialFrameDelimiter | Configuration of the byte modifiers used for stuffing and marking frames |
famouso::mw::nl::SerialNL< DRV > | Network Layer for serial communication |
famouso::mw::attributes::detail::SetProvider< A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, A10, Enable > | Represents the inner implementation of the attribute sequence part of an ExtendedEvent |
famouso::mw::attributes::detail::SetProvider< ForwardSeq, boost::mpl::na, boost::mpl::na, boost::mpl::na, boost::mpl::na, boost::mpl::na, boost::mpl::na, boost::mpl::na, boost::mpl::na, boost::mpl::na, typename boost::enable_if< is_sequence< ForwardSeq > >::type > | |
device::nic::CAN::SimulateInterruptViaThreadAdapter< Base, InterruptProvider > | This class enable asynchronous notification by simulating an interrupt with a thread, that block on a resource. If the resource gets ready, it calls a delegate for serving the asynchronous action like an interrupt |
famouso::mw::afp::defrag::SingleEventDemux< DCP > | Policy: Simple demultiplexer that can handle only one event simultaneously |
famouso::mw::afp::SizeProp< max_event_size, mtu > | SizeProperties config for with automatic type selection |
SmallestSignedTypeSelector< value > | Type trait to select smallest signed integer type that can store value |
SmallestUnsignedTypeSelector< value > | Type trait to select smallest unsigned integer type that can store value |
famouso::mw::attributes::detail::SmallestValueType< ValueType, Value > | |
famouso::mw::attributes::detail::SmallestValueType< bool, Value > | |
famouso::mw::attributes::detail::SmallestValueType< int16_t, Value > | |
famouso::mw::attributes::detail::SmallestValueType< int32_t, Value > | |
famouso::mw::attributes::detail::SmallestValueType< int64_t, Value > | |
famouso::mw::attributes::detail::SmallestValueType< int8_t, Value > | |
famouso::mw::attributes::detail::SmallestValueType< uint16_t, Value > | |
famouso::mw::attributes::detail::SmallestValueType< uint32_t, Value > | |
famouso::mw::attributes::detail::SmallestValueType< uint64_t, Value > | |
famouso::mw::attributes::detail::SmallestValueType< uint8_t, Value > | |
famouso::mw::nl::UDPMultiCastNL::SNN | |
famouso::mw::nal::NetworkAdapter< ANL_A, ANL_B >::SNN | The struct contains the short network name representation of the subject of an event for both sub networks |
device::nic::CAN::SocketCANDriver< IDDesc > | The generic driver interface to the SocketCAN hardware |
famouso::mw::attributes::detail::SortedAttributeSequence< Seq > | |
famouso::mw::attributes::detail::SorterPredicate | |
Stack | |
StaticCreatorPolicy | StaticCreatorPolicy is a policy template for the compile time selection utility IF_CONTAINS_TYPE_(NAME) |
famouso::mw::afp::defrag::Statistics< Tag > | Policy: Defragmentation statistics |
object::Storage< T > | |
famouso::mw::afp::DefragmentationStep< AFPDC >::subject_caster< cast_to_EmptyType, ST > | Helper to cast subject to internal representation (identical in most use cases) |
famouso::mw::afp::DefragmentationStep< AFPDC >::subject_caster< true, ST > | Helper to cast subject to internal representation (EmptyType in single subject config) |
famouso::mw::nl::awds::detail::SubjectAttribute< snn > | A attribute to hold a subject in an AttributeSet |
famouso::mw::afp::defrag::SubjectDemuxKey< DCP, Subject_t > | Demux key type with multiple subjects and one publisher per subject, no event sequence numbers |
famouso::mw::api::SubscriberEventChannel< ECH > | |
object::SynchronizedBoundedBuffer< T > | |
famouso::mw::attributes::detail::Tag | Base type of all attribute tags |
famouso::mw::attributes::detail::TagSet< T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10 > | |
ThenPolicyExample | ThenPolicyExample is a policy template for the compile time selection utility IF_CONTAINS_TYPE_(NAME) |
famouso::mw::attributes::Throughput< throughput > | Defines a configurable throughput attribute for describing how many bytes per second can be transmitted |
famouso::mw::afp::shared::Time | Represents a time |
famouso::mw::attributes::TimeStamp< timeStamp > | Defines a configurable time stamp attribute for describing a specific point in time |
famouso::mw::attributes::TTL< ttl > | Defines a configurable Time-To-Live attribute for describing how many different networks can be passed via gateways. If the ttl attached on an event reaches zero, the event will be discarded |
famouso::mw::nl::UDPBroadCastNL | |
famouso::mw::nl::UDPMultiCastNL | |
UID | The uid describes an unique identifier |
famouso::mw::attributes::filter::UnaryFilterExpression< E, A > | UnaryFilterExpression defines an unary lambda filter-expression that is directly callable via the overloaded function call operator |
famouso::mw::attributes::filter::UnaryFilterExpression< E, filter::logical_not< E > > | Specialisation of UnaryFilterExpression |
famouso::mw::attributes::detail::UnextendedSequenceBoundError< seqSize > | Struct used by the attribute sequence header to assert, that the sequence size fits the binary format |
object::Uninitialized< T > | Uninitialized presents a container of an object of type T |
object::UninitializedStoragePool< T, C, N, callDestructor > | UninitializedStoragePool is an abstraction of an arbitrary storage structure (supporting a certain interface) with uninitialized data, providing an iterator interface |
famouso::mw::afp::frag::Use32BitEventSeq< AFPC > | Policy: Include 32 bit event seqence number in each fragment |
famouso::mw::afp::frag::UseFEC< FCP > | Fragmentation with forward error correction |
famouso::mw::afp::frag::UseNoEventSeq< AFPC > | Policy: Don't use event sequence numbering |
famouso::mw::attributes::detail::ValueBitCount< Attr > | |
famouso::mw::attributes::detail::ValueByteCount< Attr > | |
famouso::mw::attributes::detail::ValueOffset< Attr > | Calculates the index of the byte in the binary representation of the given attribute where the first part of the attribute's value is contained |
famouso::mw::attributes::detail::ValueTypeAssert< ValueType > | Struct to statically assert that only the integral primitive types are used in the attribute framework |
famouso::mw::attributes::detail::ValueTypeAssert< bool > | |
famouso::mw::attributes::detail::ValueTypeAssert< int16_t > | |
famouso::mw::attributes::detail::ValueTypeAssert< int32_t > | |
famouso::mw::attributes::detail::ValueTypeAssert< int64_t > | |
famouso::mw::attributes::detail::ValueTypeAssert< int8_t > | |
famouso::mw::attributes::detail::ValueTypeAssert< uint16_t > | |
famouso::mw::attributes::detail::ValueTypeAssert< uint32_t > | |
famouso::mw::attributes::detail::ValueTypeAssert< uint64_t > | |
famouso::mw::attributes::detail::ValueTypeAssert< uint8_t > | |
famouso::mw::afp::defrag::detail::VarHeaderLength< DCP > | |
famouso::mw::nl::voidNL | |
device::nic::CAN::XenomaiRTCANDriver< IDDesc > | The generic driver interface to the XenomaiRTCAN hardware |