
Data Structures

Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
famouso::mw::attributes::AbsoluteDeadline< deadline >Defines a configurable deadline attribute for describing a point in time when a specific event is expected to be occurred
famouso::mw::anl::AbstractNetworkLayer< NL, AFP_FragConfig, AFP_DefragConfig >The abstract network layer provides functionality that is not specific to a concrete network layer
famouso::mw::afp::AFPPublisherEventChannel< PEC, AFPFC, mtu, EventType >Publisher Event Channel with fragmentation support in the application layer
famouso::mw::afp::AFPPublisherEventChannel< PEC, AFPFC, 0, EventType >Publisher Event Channel with fragmentation support in the application layer (MTU not known at compile time)
famouso::mw::afp::AFPSubscriberEventChannel< SEC, AFPDC, EventType >Subscriber Event Channel with fragmentation support in the application layer
object::RawStorage< size >::AllocInfoMemory management information. In front of each allocated block
famouso::mw::attributes::detail::SorterPredicate::apply< A1, A2 >
famouso::mw::attributes::detail::RequirablePred::apply< Attr >
famouso::mw::attributes::detail::SorterPredicate::apply< boost::mpl::na, T2 >
famouso::mw::attributes::detail::SorterPredicate::apply< T1, boost::mpl::na >
famouso::mw::attributes::filter::equal_to::apply_compiletime< L, R >
famouso::mw::attributes::filter::greater_than::apply_compiletime< L, R >
famouso::mw::attributes::filter::greater_than_or_equal_to::apply_compiletime< L, R >
famouso::mw::attributes::filter::less_than::apply_compiletime< L, R >
famouso::mw::attributes::filter::less_than_or_equal_to::apply_compiletime< L, R >
famouso::mw::attributes::filter::not_equal_to::apply_compiletime< L, R >
object::Array< T, N >Array is a simple abstraction of a C-like array, supporting an iterator interface
device::nic::serial::AsioSerialDriver< PL, SFD >ASIO based driver for the serial network layer
famouso::mw::attributes::detail::assert_is_attribute_or_na< Attr, InnerEnable >Helper struct to assert that a given type is an attribute or na
famouso::mw::attributes::detail::assert_is_attribute_or_na< Attr, typename boost::enable_if< famouso::mw::attributes::type_traits::is_attribute< Attr > >::type >
famouso::mw::attributes::detail::assert_is_attribute_or_na< boost::mpl::na, void >
famouso::mw::attributes::detail::assert_is_tag_or_na< T >
device::nic::serial::AtmelSerialDriver< DEV, PL, BR, SFD >Atmel driver for the serial network layer
logging::ATTRThis class is intended to be used as a template argument for the logging::log::emit() function
famouso::mw::attributes::Attribute< BaseType, CompareTag, ValueType, Value, ID, TagSet >Represents an attribute as a part of the FAMOUSO generic attribute framework
famouso::mw::attributes::access::Attribute_RTA structure that extends the AttributeHeader_RT type providing access to the encoded value of the attribute
famouso::mw::attributes::tags::attribute_tagAttribute_tag is a type for tagging other types as an attribute of the attribute grammar
famouso::mw::attributes::detail::AttributeElementHeaderRepresents the structure of a single attribute's header
famouso::mw::attributes::detail::AttributeHeader< Attr >Represents an actual header of a given attribute in binary representation
famouso::mw::attributes::access::AttributeHeader_RTA structure that provides functionality to access attribute header fields at a higher level
famouso::mw::attributes::detail::AttributeIsNotRequireable< isRequirable, RelatedAttr, Requirement, compileError >Configurable error struct used for the static composability checks
famouso::mw::attributes::AttributeSet< AttrSeq >Represents a sequence of attributes in binary representation
famouso::mw::attributes::detail::AttributeSetImpl< AttrSeq, Iter >
famouso::mw::attributes::detail::AttributeSetImpl< AttrSeq, typename boost::mpl::end< AttrSeq >::type >
famouso::mw::attributes::detail::AttributeSize< Attr >Calculates the overall number of bytes used by the binary representation of the given attribute, that is, the header and the value
device::nic::CAN::avrCANARYThe generic driver interface to the avrCAN hardware
logging::AWDSThis class is intended to be used as a template argument for the logging::log::emit() function
famouso::mw::nl::awds::AWDS_PacketA Paket for the IPC communication between Famouso and AWDS
famouso::mw::nl::AWDSNLThe AWDS network layer provides functionality for sending packets over the AWDS network
famouso::mw::nl::BaseNL< A1orSeq, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, A10 >This network layer classer extends the DistinctNL by adding an attribute provision
famouso::mw::attributes::filter::BinaryFilterExpression< L, R, OP >BinaryFilterExpression defines a binary filter lambda expression that is directly callable via the overloaded function call operator
famouso::mw::afp::defrag::detail::BitRepresents a bit inside a byte
famouso::mw::afp::defrag::detail::BitArray< N, Allocator >
famouso::mw::afp::defrag::detail::BitArray< afp::dynamic, Allocator >
BitCount< ValueType, Value >Calculates the least number of bits needed to represent the given value of the specified type
BitCount< bool, false >
BitCount< bool, true >
famouso::mw::nl::CAN::ccp::Broker< CAN_Driver >
famouso::mw::nl::CAN::etagBP::Broker< CAN_Driver >ETAG binding protocol the broker part supports both the old and new one
ByteCount< ValueType, Value >Calculates the number of whole bytes needed to store the given value of the given type
famouso::mw::nl::CANNL< CAN_Driver, CCP, BP >CAN network layer acts as the interface to the Controller Area Network
famouso::mw::attributes::detail::CaseSelector< ResultType, res1, res2, res3, res4, res5, res6 >
device::nic::serial::AtmelSerialDriver< DEV, PL, BR, SFD >::cfgInfoDefinition of driver specific information
device::nic::serial::AsioSerialDriver< PL, SFD >::cfgInfoDefinition of driver specific information
famouso::mw::nl::CAN::ccp::Client< CAN_Driver >
famouso::mw::nl::CAN::etagBP::Client< CAN_Driver >New ETAG binding protocol client part
famouso::config::util::CombineTwoBaseClasses< Base1, Base2 >Combines two classes and therewith their features under one instance
famouso::mw::afp::CommonPolicySelector< Config >
famouso::mw::nl::awds::detail::Node< AttrSet >::compComparison operator for sorting nodes
famouso::mw::nl::awds::ComparableAttributeSet< AttrSet >
famouso::mw::attributes::tags::compare_different_attributes_tagCompare_different_attributes_tag is a tag to signalize a certain error during the checking process of filter expressions
famouso::mw::attributes::tags::compile_time_filter_tagCompile_time_filter_tag is a tag to select the compile-time variant of the RelationalOperatorFilter
famouso::mw::attributes::CompileError< T, U, V >Generates a generic compile-time error
famouso::mw::attributes::CompileError< T, tags::attribute_tag >Specialization of CompileError
famouso::mw::attributes::CompileError< T, U, tags::compare_different_attributes_tag >Specialization of CompileError
famouso::mw::attributes::CompileError< T, U, tags::same_tag >Specialization of CompileError
famouso::mw::nl::awds::AWDS_Packet::constantsConstants for the paket
famouso::mw::nl::CAN::detail::constantsSome constants that are used in the CCP
object::ConstantSizeList< T, N, callDestructor >ConstantSizeList is a simple abstraction of a list with a maximum length of N elements, supporting an iterator interface
object::ConstantSizeList< T, N, callDestructor >::ConstantSizeListIteratorDefines a usual iterator
famouso::mw::attributes::detail::TagSet< T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10 >::contains_tag< T >
famouso::mw::afp::DefaultConfigConfig: default AFP config
famouso::mw::afp::DefaultEventSizePropSizeProperties config for default event size (max. 65535 bytes)
famouso::mw::afp::DefragmentationProcessor< AFPDC >Defragmentation engine that processes defragmentation steps
famouso::mw::afp::DefragmentationProcessorANL< AFPDC >Defragmentation processor adapted to the needs of the ANL
famouso::mw::afp::DefragmentationProcessorANL< Disable >Empty version of DefragmentationProcessorANL for disabling defragmentation in the ANL
famouso::mw::afp::DefragmentationProcessorKeepEventSupport< AFPDC >Defragmentation processor that supports keeping events available for later delivery
famouso::mw::afp::DefragmentationStep< AFPDC >Contains temporary data needed for a single defragmentation step (reading fragments header, processing fragment and if event is complete returning buffer, process event, free event)
famouso::mw::afp::DefragmentationStep< Disable >Empty version of DefragmentationStep for disabling defragmentation in the ANL
famouso::mw::afp::defrag::Defragmenter< DCP >Reconstructs one event from fragments
famouso::mw::afp::DefragPolicySelector< Config >
famouso::util::Delegate< parameter, R >Implements anonymous callback functionality
famouso::util::Delegate< void >
famouso::mw::afp::DisableConfig: disable fragmentation/defragmentation support completely
famouso::mw::nl::DistinctNLThe base network layer provides functionality for identifying a specific network layer at run-time
device::nic::ieee802_15_4::DRV802_15_4< RFLayer >Communication driver for communication layers provided by the 'RFLayer'
famouso::mw::afp::defrag::DuplicateChecker< DCP >Policy: Checking for duplicate fragment packages
famouso::mw::attributes::detail::Duplicates< AttrSeq, Iter >Can be used to test a given sequence of attributes for contained duplicates
famouso::mw::attributes::detail::Duplicates< AttrSeq, typename boost::mpl::end< AttrSeq >::type >End-of-recursion struct
object::DynamicList< T, N, callDestructor >DynamicList is a simple abstraction of a list with a dynamic length, supporting an iterator interface
ElsePolicyExampleElsePolicyExample is a policy template for the compile time selection utility IF_CONTAINS_TYPE_(NAME)
famouso::mw::afp::defrag::EmptyDemuxKey< DCP, Subject_t >Demux key type with one subject and one publisher, no event sequence number
EmptyPolicyEmptyPolicy is a policy template for the compile time selection utility IF_CONTAINS_TYPE_(NAME)
famouso::mw::attributes::filter::equal_toEqual to comperator
famouso::mw::afp::defrag::EseqDemuxKey< DCP, Subject_t >Demux key type with event sequence number, one subject and one publisher
famouso::mw::afp::defrag::EseqSubjectDemuxKey< DCP, Subject_t >Demux key type with event sequence number, multiple subjects and one publisher per subject
famouso::mw::nl::CAN::detail::ETAGSPredefined etags for ccp and etag exchange
famouso::mw::api::EventChannel< ECH >This is the base class of each EventChannel
famouso::mw::el::EventChannelHandler< EL >The event channel handler is a singleton of the event layer
famouso::mw::el::EventLayer< LL >The event layer provides the main publish/subscribe functionality
famouso::mw::el::EventLayerMiddlewareStub< EL >Event layer stub that allows running multiple famouso apps on one computer
famouso::mw::afp::defrag::EventSeqDemux< DCP >Policy: Event demultiplexer supporting event sequence numbers
famouso::mw::afp::defrag::EventSeqHeaderSupport< DCP >Policy: Support event sequence number extension header
famouso::mw::afp::defrag::EventStatsStatistics about reconstructed events
famouso::mw::attributes::filter::exists< A >Defines a simple filter, allowing to check of existence of attribute in an event
ExpandedRangeTypeSelector< T >Type trait to select integer type with larger range than T
ExpandedRangeTypeSelector< int16_t >
ExpandedRangeTypeSelector< int32_t >
ExpandedRangeTypeSelector< int8_t >
ExpandedRangeTypeSelector< uint16_t >
ExpandedRangeTypeSelector< uint32_t >
ExpandedRangeTypeSelector< uint8_t >
famouso::mw::ExtendedEvent< payLoadSize, A1orSeq, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, A10 >The extension of the Event class with support for attributes
famouso::mw::api::ExtendedEventChannel< EC, Requirement, compileError >Provides meta functionality for adding an attribute requirement to a given event channel implementation
famouso::mw::attributes::detail::ExtendedSequenceBoundError< seqSize >Struct used by the attribute sequence header to assert, that the sequence size fits the binary format
FAMOUSOThis struct or better its defined enum is used for tagging messages. That allows indicating the type of a message and therewith to do the correct steps while processing them
famouso::mw::afp::defrag::FECEventDataReconstructor< DCP >Policy: Reconstruct event data from fragments supporting forward error correction
famouso::mw::afp::frag::FECFragmenter< FCP >Fragmentation supporting generation of forward error correction redundancy
famouso::mw::afp::defrag::FECHeaderSupport< DCP >Policy: Support forward error correction extension header
famouso::mw::attributes::AttributeSet< AttrSeq >::find_ct< Attr >Searches for the attribute given as a template argument in the compile time representation of this attribute set
famouso::mw::attributes::detail::FirstByteOfHeader< Attr >Represents the first byte of the header of the given attribute
famouso::mw::nl::awds::detail::FlowMgmtAction< action >Defines a configurable flow management action attribute for describing the action to do at flow management at AWDS
famouso::mw::nl::awds::detail::FlowMgmtActionIDsIds used by the flow management action attribute
famouso::mw::nl::awds::detail::FlowMgmtID< id >Defines a configurable flow id attribute for describing the requestet flow at AWDS
famouso::mw::nl::awds::detail::FlowMgmtIDsHolds the IDs of the defined flow management attributes at one place
famouso::mw::afp::Fragmenter< AFPFC, mtu_compile_time >Splits a block of data into several pieces (fragments)
famouso::mw::afp::Fragmenter< Disable, mtu_compile_time >Empty version of Fragmenter for disabling fragmentation in the ANL
famouso::mw::afp::defrag::FragmentStatsStatistics about processed fragments
famouso::mw::afp::FragPolicySelector< Config >
famouso::mw::gwl::Gateway< ECH, Storage >The gateway layer implements the functionality of a gateway
famouso::mw::gwl::GatewayEventChannel< ECH >The GatewayEventChannel is a SubscriberEventChannel with additional proxy functionality for publishing/forwarding events to the right destination network
famouso::mw::attributes::detail::HasLessThanRelation::get_comparator< TagSet >Extracts the attribute comparator (i.e. the stronger- weaker-relation) of an attribute from the given tag set
famouso::mw::attributes::filter::greater_thanGreater than comparator
famouso::mw::attributes::filter::greater_than_or_equal_toGreater than or equal to comparator
famouso::mw::attributes::detail::HasLessThanRelationAttribute tag deciding the stronger-weaker-relation of the attribute
famouso::mw::nl::awds::AWDS_Packet::HeaderA header of the AWDS_Paket
famouso::mw::afp::defrag::Headers< DCP >AFP Headers of a received fragment
famouso::mw::attributes::detail::HighDensityIDsHolds the IDs of the defined high density attributes at one place
famouso::mw::attributes::detail::IdBitCountAssert< HighDensity, ID >Struct to statically assert that an ID of a high density attribute only has 4 bits
famouso::mw::nl::IEEE_802_15_4_NL< driver_t >Network layer that acts as the interface to any IEEE 802.15.4 compliant network
if_select_type< cond, T1, T2 >Compile time selector trait that selects one of two types dependent on a boolean expression
if_select_type< false, T1, T2 >Specialization of if_select_type
famouso::mw::nl::CANNL< CAN_Driver, CCP, BP >::info
famouso::mw::nl::IEEE_802_15_4_NL< driver_t >::infoInformation about the networ layer including maximal available payload
famouso::mw::nl::SerialNL< DRV >::infoInformation about the network layer
famouso::mw::nl::AWDSNL::infoA Struct for holding informational constants
famouso::mw::afp::defrag::InOrderEventDataReconstructor< DCP >Policy: Reconstruct event data from fragments arriving in order. Does not support forward error correction
famouso::mw::attributes::tags::integral_const_tagIntegral_const_tag is a type used to describe, that tagged types are comparable with integrals, integral constants and types of the same base type,
famouso::mw::attributes::IntegralConstRunTimeWrapper< T >Defines a runtime wrapper for integral constants
famouso::mw::attributes::IntegralConstToType< v >Implements an integral constant to type mapper
famouso::mw::attributes::IntegralConstTypeDefines the base type of an integral constant
famouso::mw::nl::CAN::etagBP::InterruptEnablerInterruptEnabler implements a class enabling interrupts for a certain scope
famouso::mw::attributes::type_traits::is_attribute< Attr >Checks if the given type is an attribute, i.e. it contains a type named type_tag and this is equal to the attribute_tag
famouso::mw::attributes::type_traits::is_compare_tag< A, B >The struct implements a tester on a compare_tag
famouso::mw::attributes::type_traits::is_compare_tag< A, B >::is_compare_tag_impl< bool, T, U >
famouso::mw::attributes::type_traits::is_compare_tag< A, B >::is_compare_tag_impl< false, T, U >
famouso::mw::attributes::type_traits::is_null< Attr >Checks if the given attribute is equal to Null
famouso::mw::attributes::type_traits::is_same_base_type< A, B >The struct implements a test if two types have the same base type
famouso::mw::attributes::type_traits::is_same_base_type< A, B >::is_same_base_type_impl< bool, T, U >
famouso::mw::attributes::type_traits::is_same_base_type< A, B >::is_same_base_type_impl< false, T, U >
famouso::mw::attributes::detail::is_sequence< T >
famouso::mw::attributes::detail::is_sequence< boost::mpl::na >
famouso::mw::attributes::detail::is_tag< Type >Checks whether the given type is a tag, that is defines Tag as a type called base_type
famouso::mw::attributes::type_traits::is_type_tag< A, B >The struct implements a tester on a type_tag
famouso::mw::attributes::type_traits::is_type_tag< A, B >::is_type_tag_impl< bool, T, U >
famouso::mw::attributes::type_traits::is_type_tag< A, B >::is_type_tag_impl< false, T, U >
famouso::mw::attributes::detail::IsHighDensityAttribute tag signaling that this attribute should be written with a compact binary representation
famouso::mw::attributes::detail::IsRequirableAttribute tag signaling that this attribute can be used for a composability check, that is this attribute can occur in an attribute requirement
famouso::mw::attributes::Attribute< BaseType, CompareTag, ValueType, Value, ID, TagSet >::isStronger< OtherAttr >
famouso::mw::afp::defrag::detail::PointerMap< KeyT, ItemT, N >::iteratorType definition of an iterator
famouso::mw::afp::defrag::detail::PointerMap< KeyT, ItemT, dynamic >::iteratorIterator type
object::UninitializedStoragePool< T, C, N, callDestructor >::IteratorType definition of an iterator
famouso::mw::attributes::Jitter< jitter >Defines a configurable jitter attribute for describing the deviation from a mean latency
famouso::mw::attributes::Latency< latency >Defines a configurable Latency attribute for describing the delay between sending a packet and receiving it at the destination
famouso::mw::attributes::filter::less_thanLess than comparator
famouso::mw::attributes::filter::less_than_or_equal_toLess than or equal to comparator
LocalCreatorPolicyLocalCreatorPolicy is a policy template for the compile time selection utility IF_CONTAINS_TYPE_(NAME)
famouso::mw::attributes::filter::logical_and< A, B, C, D, E >Implements a logical and filter
famouso::mw::attributes::filter::logical_falseImplements a filter that is always false
famouso::mw::attributes::filter::logical_not< A >Implements an inverting filter
famouso::mw::attributes::filter::logical_or< A, B, C, D, E >Implements a logical or filter
famouso::mw::attributes::filter::logical_trueImplements a filter that is always true
famouso::mw::nl::IEEE_802_15_4_NL< driver_t >::message
famouso::mw::afp::MinimalSizePropSizeProperties config for reduced event size (max. 255 bytes)
device::nic::CAN::XenomaiRTCANDriver< IDDesc >::MOB
device::nic::CAN::PeakDriverBase::MOBMOB is derived from the concrete message object and it defines access methods
device::nic::CAN::SocketCANDriver< IDDesc >::MOB
device::nic::CAN::avrCANARY::MOBGeneric CAN message object
famouso::mw::afp::defrag::MultiSourceDemux< DCP >Policy: Event demultiplexer that can handle events from multiple sources, but only one event per source simultaneuosly
famouso::mw::afp::MultiSubjectConfig< SNN >Config: default with multiple subject support
famouso::mw::afp::MultiSubjectESeqReorderDuplicateConfig< SNN >Config: default with multiple subject support, event sequence numbering, support to handle package reordering and duplicate checking
famouso::mw::api::EventChannel< ECH >::MWAction
famouso::mw::nal::NetworkAdapter< ANL_A, ANL_B >The network adapter supports plugging of more than one network layer
famouso::mw::nl::NetworkID< size >An ID representing a node at the network
object::NewAllocatorAllocator using standard C++ new and delete operators
famouso::mw::nl::awds::detail::Node< AttrSet >A node at the AWDS network identified by his MAC address
famouso::mw::nl::awds::NodeRepositoryA node repository for holding AWDS nodes and register nodes to subjects
famouso::mw::afp::defrag::NoDuplicateChecker< DCP >Policy: No checking for duplicate fragment packages
famouso::mw::afp::defrag::NoEventSeqHeaderSupport< DCP >Policy: Do not support event sequence number extension header
famouso::mw::afp::frag::NoFECFragmenter< FCP >Fragmentation not supporting FEC
famouso::mw::afp::defrag::NoFECHeaderSupport< DCP >Policy: Do not support forward error correction extension header
famouso::mw::afp::shared::NoOverflowErrorCheckingPolicy: No overflow error checking
famouso::mw::afp::defrag::NoStatisticsPolicy: No defragmentation statistics
famouso::mw::attributes::filter::not_equal_toNot equal to comparator
famouso::mw::el::NotifyWorkerThread< T >
famouso::mw::attributes::NullDefines an attribute to represent a type-pendant to a NULL-pointer
famouso::mw::attributes::Omission< omission >Defines a configurable omission degree attribute for describing how many packets can be consecutively lost
object::OneBlockAllocator< tag, mem_size >Pseudo-allocator supporting only one allocation
famouso::mw::nl::awds::detail::op_printer< Comparator >Helper structs for printing the operator of a given comparator
famouso::mw::nl::awds::detail::op_printer< famouso::mw::attributes::filter::greater_than_or_equal_to >
famouso::mw::nl::awds::detail::op_printer< famouso::mw::attributes::filter::less_than_or_equal_to >
famouso::mw::afp::defrag::OutOfOrderEventDataReconstructor< DCP >Policy: Reconstruct event data from fragments that may arrive out of order. Does not support forward error correction
OutputDescriptionPolicyOutputDescriptionPolicy prints the description of the configuration if such a description exists
famouso::mw::afp::shared::OverflowErrorCheckingPolicy: Overflow error checking
Packet< T >
famouso::mw::nl::awds::AWDS_Packet::constants::packet_sizeConstants for the paket size
famouso::mw::nl::awds::AWDS_Packet::constants::packet_typeConstants for the paket type
famouso::mw::attributes::PacketLoss< packetLoss >Defines a configurable packet loss attribute for describing how many packets will be averagely lost
device::nic::CAN::PAXCAN< Driver >PAXCAN presents the generic CAN interface to the FAMOUSO middleware, against all algorithms regarding CAN transfers are implemented
device::nic::CAN::PeakDriver< PeakTrait >The generic driver interface to the PeakCAN hardware
device::nic::CAN::PeakDriverBasePeakDriverBase defines the CAN message object structure and the access methods
device::nic::CAN::PeakDriverLinuxTraitPeakDriverLinuxTrait abstacts from the low-level Peak Linux driver API to a generic API, that is used from device::nic::can::PeakDriver
device::nic::CAN::PeakDriverWindowsTraitPeakDriverWindowsTrait abstacts from the low-level Peak Windows driver API to a generic API, that is used from device::nic::can::PeakDriver
famouso::mw::attributes::Period< period >Defines a configurable period attribute for describing the time between periodic events
famouso::mw::afp::defrag::detail::PointerMap< KeyT, ItemT, N >Pointer container of constant size
famouso::mw::afp::defrag::detail::PointerMap< KeyT, ItemT, dynamic >Pointer container of dynamic size
famouso::mw::nl::CAN::etagBP::PreventBlockingOfMiddlewareCoreInBlockingProtocolPreventBlockingOfMiddlewareCoreInBlockingProtocol implements a class that runs the middleware core if we go to a blocking protocol. It also goes to the former event loop if the protocol has finished
famouso::mw::nl::awds::detail::Priority< prio >Defines a configurable flow management priority attribute for describing the action to do at flow management at AWDS
famouso::mw::api::PublisherEventChannel< ECH >
famouso::mw::afp::defrag::detail::Queue< T, N >Queue of constant size
famouso::mw::afp::defrag::detail::Queue< T, dynamic >Queue of dynamic size
object::RawStorage< size >Storage for raw data blocks
object::RawStorageAllocator< tag, mem_size >Allocator allocating from RawStorage
famouso::mw::afp::frag::RedundancyAttribute< tag, init_value >Dynamic attribute: FEC redundancy to add
famouso::mw::api::ReflectionPublisherEventChannel< ECH >
famouso::mw::attributes::filter::RelationalOperatorFilter< A, B, op, tag >Implements a relational operator filter where the operator function is configurable
famouso::mw::attributes::filter::RelationalOperatorFilter< A, B, op, tags::compile_time_filter_tag >Specialization of RelationalOperatorFilter used for resource-optimized filter. Such filters, compile-time filter, can be often generated, when special conditions for the attributes are given
famouso::mw::attributes::filter::RelationalOperatorFilterReturnTypeCalculator< A, B, Operator >The struct implements a return type calculator for filter expression
famouso::mw::attributes::RelativeDeadline< deadline >Defines a configurable deadline attribute for describing a point in time relative to the current one when a specific event is expected to be occurred
famouso::mw::attributes::detail::RequirablePredPredicate to filter out non-requirable attributes from a requirement specification
famouso::mw::attributes::detail::RequiredAttributeNotContainedInProvision< contained, RelatedAttr, Provision, compileError >Configurable error struct used for the static composability checks
famouso::mw::attributes::detail::RequiredValueNotProvided< valueFits, RelatedAttr, ProvAttr, compileError >Configurable error struct used for the static composability checks
famouso::mw::attributes::detail::RequirementChecker< Prov, Req, compileError, FilteredReq, ReqIter >Checks the given attribute requirement against the given provision. The check result can be accessed using the result type
famouso::mw::attributes::detail::RequirementChecker< Prov, Req, false, FilteredReq, typename boost::mpl::end< FilteredReq >::type >
famouso::mw::attributes::detail::RequirementChecker< Prov, Req, true, FilteredReq, typename boost::mpl::end< FilteredReq >::type >
object::RingBuffer< T, N >Ring buffer (constant size)
device::nic::CAN::RxInterruptThe RxInterrupt enables receive interrupt service base infrastructur for devices that are not able to generate such interrupts. It defines a handler and the functionality for switching on/off of the interrupt
famouso::mw::attributes::tags::same_tagSame_tag is a type used to describe, that tagged types can only be compared with types of the same base type
famouso::mw::attributes::detail::CaseSelector< ResultType, res1, res2, res3, res4, res5, res6 >::select_ct< Attr >
device::nic::serial::SerialFrameDelimiterConfiguration of the byte modifiers used for stuffing and marking frames
famouso::mw::nl::SerialNL< DRV >Network Layer for serial communication
famouso::mw::attributes::detail::SetProvider< A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, A10, Enable >Represents the inner implementation of the attribute sequence part of an ExtendedEvent
famouso::mw::attributes::detail::SetProvider< ForwardSeq, boost::mpl::na, boost::mpl::na, boost::mpl::na, boost::mpl::na, boost::mpl::na, boost::mpl::na, boost::mpl::na, boost::mpl::na, boost::mpl::na, typename boost::enable_if< is_sequence< ForwardSeq > >::type >
device::nic::CAN::SimulateInterruptViaThreadAdapter< Base, InterruptProvider >This class enable asynchronous notification by simulating an interrupt with a thread, that block on a resource. If the resource gets ready, it calls a delegate for serving the asynchronous action like an interrupt
famouso::mw::afp::defrag::SingleEventDemux< DCP >Policy: Simple demultiplexer that can handle only one event simultaneously
famouso::mw::afp::SizeProp< max_event_size, mtu >SizeProperties config for with automatic type selection
SmallestSignedTypeSelector< value >Type trait to select smallest signed integer type that can store value
SmallestUnsignedTypeSelector< value >Type trait to select smallest unsigned integer type that can store value
famouso::mw::attributes::detail::SmallestValueType< ValueType, Value >
famouso::mw::attributes::detail::SmallestValueType< bool, Value >
famouso::mw::attributes::detail::SmallestValueType< int16_t, Value >
famouso::mw::attributes::detail::SmallestValueType< int32_t, Value >
famouso::mw::attributes::detail::SmallestValueType< int64_t, Value >
famouso::mw::attributes::detail::SmallestValueType< int8_t, Value >
famouso::mw::attributes::detail::SmallestValueType< uint16_t, Value >
famouso::mw::attributes::detail::SmallestValueType< uint32_t, Value >
famouso::mw::attributes::detail::SmallestValueType< uint64_t, Value >
famouso::mw::attributes::detail::SmallestValueType< uint8_t, Value >
famouso::mw::nal::NetworkAdapter< ANL_A, ANL_B >::SNNThe struct contains the short network name representation of the subject of an event for both sub networks
device::nic::CAN::SocketCANDriver< IDDesc >The generic driver interface to the SocketCAN hardware
famouso::mw::attributes::detail::SortedAttributeSequence< Seq >
StaticCreatorPolicyStaticCreatorPolicy is a policy template for the compile time selection utility IF_CONTAINS_TYPE_(NAME)
famouso::mw::afp::defrag::Statistics< Tag >Policy: Defragmentation statistics
object::Storage< T >
famouso::mw::afp::DefragmentationStep< AFPDC >::subject_caster< cast_to_EmptyType, ST >Helper to cast subject to internal representation (identical in most use cases)
famouso::mw::afp::DefragmentationStep< AFPDC >::subject_caster< true, ST >Helper to cast subject to internal representation (EmptyType in single subject config)
famouso::mw::nl::awds::detail::SubjectAttribute< snn >A attribute to hold a subject in an AttributeSet
famouso::mw::afp::defrag::SubjectDemuxKey< DCP, Subject_t >Demux key type with multiple subjects and one publisher per subject, no event sequence numbers
famouso::mw::api::SubscriberEventChannel< ECH >
object::SynchronizedBoundedBuffer< T >
famouso::mw::attributes::detail::TagBase type of all attribute tags
famouso::mw::attributes::detail::TagSet< T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10 >
ThenPolicyExampleThenPolicyExample is a policy template for the compile time selection utility IF_CONTAINS_TYPE_(NAME)
famouso::mw::attributes::Throughput< throughput >Defines a configurable throughput attribute for describing how many bytes per second can be transmitted
famouso::mw::afp::shared::TimeRepresents a time
famouso::mw::attributes::TimeStamp< timeStamp >Defines a configurable time stamp attribute for describing a specific point in time
famouso::mw::attributes::TTL< ttl >Defines a configurable Time-To-Live attribute for describing how many different networks can be passed via gateways. If the ttl attached on an event reaches zero, the event will be discarded
UIDThe uid describes an unique identifier
famouso::mw::attributes::filter::UnaryFilterExpression< E, A >UnaryFilterExpression defines an unary lambda filter-expression that is directly callable via the overloaded function call operator
famouso::mw::attributes::filter::UnaryFilterExpression< E, filter::logical_not< E > >Specialisation of UnaryFilterExpression
famouso::mw::attributes::detail::UnextendedSequenceBoundError< seqSize >Struct used by the attribute sequence header to assert, that the sequence size fits the binary format
object::Uninitialized< T >Uninitialized presents a container of an object of type T
object::UninitializedStoragePool< T, C, N, callDestructor >UninitializedStoragePool is an abstraction of an arbitrary storage structure (supporting a certain interface) with uninitialized data, providing an iterator interface
famouso::mw::afp::frag::Use32BitEventSeq< AFPC >Policy: Include 32 bit event seqence number in each fragment
famouso::mw::afp::frag::UseFEC< FCP >Fragmentation with forward error correction
famouso::mw::afp::frag::UseNoEventSeq< AFPC >Policy: Don't use event sequence numbering
famouso::mw::attributes::detail::ValueBitCount< Attr >
famouso::mw::attributes::detail::ValueByteCount< Attr >
famouso::mw::attributes::detail::ValueOffset< Attr >Calculates the index of the byte in the binary representation of the given attribute where the first part of the attribute's value is contained
famouso::mw::attributes::detail::ValueTypeAssert< ValueType >Struct to statically assert that only the integral primitive types are used in the attribute framework
famouso::mw::attributes::detail::ValueTypeAssert< bool >
famouso::mw::attributes::detail::ValueTypeAssert< int16_t >
famouso::mw::attributes::detail::ValueTypeAssert< int32_t >
famouso::mw::attributes::detail::ValueTypeAssert< int64_t >
famouso::mw::attributes::detail::ValueTypeAssert< int8_t >
famouso::mw::attributes::detail::ValueTypeAssert< uint16_t >
famouso::mw::attributes::detail::ValueTypeAssert< uint32_t >
famouso::mw::attributes::detail::ValueTypeAssert< uint64_t >
famouso::mw::attributes::detail::ValueTypeAssert< uint8_t >
famouso::mw::afp::defrag::detail::VarHeaderLength< DCP >
device::nic::CAN::XenomaiRTCANDriver< IDDesc >The generic driver interface to the XenomaiRTCAN hardware