
famouso::mw::attributes::detail Namespace Reference

Data Structures

struct  ValueTypeAssert
 Struct to statically assert that only the integral primitive types are used in the attribute framework. More...
struct  ValueTypeAssert< bool >
struct  ValueTypeAssert< uint8_t >
struct  ValueTypeAssert< int8_t >
struct  ValueTypeAssert< uint16_t >
struct  ValueTypeAssert< int16_t >
struct  ValueTypeAssert< uint32_t >
struct  ValueTypeAssert< int32_t >
struct  ValueTypeAssert< uint64_t >
struct  ValueTypeAssert< int64_t >
struct  IdBitCountAssert
 Struct to statically assert that an ID of a high density attribute only has 4 bits. More...
struct  ExtendedSequenceBoundError
 Struct used by the attribute sequence header to assert, that the sequence size fits the binary format. More...
struct  UnextendedSequenceBoundError
 Struct used by the attribute sequence header to assert, that the sequence size fits the binary format. More...
struct  AttributeIsNotRequireable
 Configurable error struct used for the static composability checks. More...
struct  RequiredAttributeNotContainedInProvision
 Configurable error struct used for the static composability checks. More...
struct  RequiredValueNotProvided
 Configurable error struct used for the static composability checks. More...
union  AttributeElementHeader
 Represents the structure of a single attribute's header. More...
struct  AttributeHeader
 Represents an actual header of a given attribute in binary representation. More...
struct  AttributeSetImpl
struct  AttributeSetImpl< AttrSeq, typename boost::mpl::end< AttrSeq >::type >
struct  assert_is_attribute_or_na
 Helper struct to assert that a given type is an attribute or na. More...
struct  assert_is_attribute_or_na< boost::mpl::na, void >
struct  assert_is_attribute_or_na< Attr, typename boost::enable_if< famouso::mw::attributes::type_traits::is_attribute< Attr > >::type >
struct  is_sequence
struct  is_sequence< boost::mpl::na >
struct  SorterPredicate
struct  SortedAttributeSequence
struct  SetProvider
 Represents the inner implementation of the attribute sequence part of an ExtendedEvent. More...
struct  SetProvider< ForwardSeq, boost::mpl::na, boost::mpl::na, boost::mpl::na, boost::mpl::na, boost::mpl::na, boost::mpl::na, boost::mpl::na, boost::mpl::na, boost::mpl::na, typename boost::enable_if< is_sequence< ForwardSeq > >::type >
struct  AttributeSize
 Calculates the overall number of bytes used by the binary representation of the given attribute, that is, the header and the value. More...
struct  CaseSelector
struct  Duplicates
 Can be used to test a given sequence of attributes for contained duplicates. More...
struct  Duplicates< AttrSeq, typename boost::mpl::end< AttrSeq >::type >
 End-of-recursion struct. More...
struct  FirstByteOfHeader
 Represents the first byte of the header of the given attribute. More...
struct  HighDensityIDs
 Holds the IDs of the defined high density attributes at one place. More...
struct  RequirablePred
 Predicate to filter out non-requirable attributes from a requirement specification. More...
struct  RequirementChecker
 Checks the given attribute requirement against the given provision. The check result can be accessed using the result type. More...
struct  RequirementChecker< Prov, Req, true, FilteredReq, typename boost::mpl::end< FilteredReq >::type >
struct  RequirementChecker< Prov, Req, false, FilteredReq, typename boost::mpl::end< FilteredReq >::type >
struct  SmallestValueType
struct  SmallestValueType< uint64_t, Value >
struct  SmallestValueType< uint8_t, Value >
struct  SmallestValueType< uint16_t, Value >
struct  SmallestValueType< uint32_t, Value >
struct  SmallestValueType< bool, Value >
struct  SmallestValueType< int64_t, Value >
struct  SmallestValueType< int8_t, Value >
struct  SmallestValueType< int16_t, Value >
struct  SmallestValueType< int32_t, Value >
struct  HasLessThanRelation
 Attribute tag deciding the stronger-weaker-relation of the attribute. More...
struct  IsHighDensity
 Attribute tag signaling that this attribute should be written with a compact binary representation. More...
struct  IsRequirable
 Attribute tag signaling that this attribute can be used for a composability check, that is this attribute can occur in an attribute requirement. More...
struct  Tag
 Base type of all attribute tags. More...
struct  is_tag
 Checks whether the given type is a tag, that is defines Tag as a type called base_type. More...
struct  assert_is_tag_or_na
struct  TagSet
struct  ValueByteCount
struct  ValueBitCount
struct  ValueOffset
 Calculates the index of the byte in the binary representation of the given attribute where the first part of the attribute's value is contained. More...