Data Structures |
struct | ValueTypeAssert |
| Struct to statically assert that only the integral primitive types are used in the attribute framework. More...
struct | ValueTypeAssert< bool > |
struct | ValueTypeAssert< uint8_t > |
struct | ValueTypeAssert< int8_t > |
struct | ValueTypeAssert< uint16_t > |
struct | ValueTypeAssert< int16_t > |
struct | ValueTypeAssert< uint32_t > |
struct | ValueTypeAssert< int32_t > |
struct | ValueTypeAssert< uint64_t > |
struct | ValueTypeAssert< int64_t > |
struct | IdBitCountAssert |
| Struct to statically assert that an ID of a high density attribute only has 4 bits. More...
struct | ExtendedSequenceBoundError |
| Struct used by the attribute sequence header to assert, that the sequence size fits the binary format. More...
struct | UnextendedSequenceBoundError |
| Struct used by the attribute sequence header to assert, that the sequence size fits the binary format. More...
struct | AttributeIsNotRequireable |
| Configurable error struct used for the static composability checks. More...
struct | RequiredAttributeNotContainedInProvision |
| Configurable error struct used for the static composability checks. More...
struct | RequiredValueNotProvided |
| Configurable error struct used for the static composability checks. More...
union | AttributeElementHeader |
| Represents the structure of a single attribute's header. More...
struct | AttributeHeader |
| Represents an actual header of a given attribute in binary representation. More...
struct | AttributeSetImpl |
struct | AttributeSetImpl< AttrSeq, typename boost::mpl::end< AttrSeq >::type > |
struct | assert_is_attribute_or_na |
| Helper struct to assert that a given type is an attribute or na. More...
struct | assert_is_attribute_or_na< boost::mpl::na, void > |
struct | assert_is_attribute_or_na< Attr, typename boost::enable_if< famouso::mw::attributes::type_traits::is_attribute< Attr > >::type > |
struct | is_sequence |
struct | is_sequence< boost::mpl::na > |
struct | SorterPredicate |
struct | SortedAttributeSequence |
struct | SetProvider |
| Represents the inner implementation of the attribute sequence part of an ExtendedEvent. More...
struct | SetProvider< ForwardSeq, boost::mpl::na, boost::mpl::na, boost::mpl::na, boost::mpl::na, boost::mpl::na, boost::mpl::na, boost::mpl::na, boost::mpl::na, boost::mpl::na, typename boost::enable_if< is_sequence< ForwardSeq > >::type > |
struct | AttributeSize |
| Calculates the overall number of bytes used by the binary representation of the given attribute, that is, the header and the value. More...
struct | CaseSelector |
struct | Duplicates |
| Can be used to test a given sequence of attributes for contained duplicates. More...
struct | Duplicates< AttrSeq, typename boost::mpl::end< AttrSeq >::type > |
| End-of-recursion struct. More...
struct | FirstByteOfHeader |
| Represents the first byte of the header of the given attribute. More...
struct | HighDensityIDs |
| Holds the IDs of the defined high density attributes at one place. More...
struct | RequirablePred |
| Predicate to filter out non-requirable attributes from a requirement specification. More...
struct | RequirementChecker |
| Checks the given attribute requirement against the given provision. The check result can be accessed using the result type. More...
struct | RequirementChecker< Prov, Req, true, FilteredReq, typename boost::mpl::end< FilteredReq >::type > |
struct | RequirementChecker< Prov, Req, false, FilteredReq, typename boost::mpl::end< FilteredReq >::type > |
struct | SmallestValueType |
struct | SmallestValueType< uint64_t, Value > |
struct | SmallestValueType< uint8_t, Value > |
struct | SmallestValueType< uint16_t, Value > |
struct | SmallestValueType< uint32_t, Value > |
struct | SmallestValueType< bool, Value > |
struct | SmallestValueType< int64_t, Value > |
struct | SmallestValueType< int8_t, Value > |
struct | SmallestValueType< int16_t, Value > |
struct | SmallestValueType< int32_t, Value > |
struct | HasLessThanRelation |
| Attribute tag deciding the stronger-weaker-relation of the attribute. More...
struct | IsHighDensity |
| Attribute tag signaling that this attribute should be written with a compact binary representation. More...
struct | IsRequirable |
| Attribute tag signaling that this attribute can be used for a composability check, that is this attribute can occur in an attribute requirement. More...
struct | Tag |
| Base type of all attribute tags. More...
struct | is_tag |
| Checks whether the given type is a tag, that is defines Tag as a type called base_type. More...
struct | assert_is_tag_or_na |
struct | TagSet |
struct | ValueByteCount |
struct | ValueBitCount |
struct | ValueOffset |
| Calculates the index of the byte in the binary representation of the given attribute where the first part of the attribute's value is contained. More...